I created a location reccie and got location permissions in order to ensure that they were free and suitable for my advert to be filmed in and to ensure that nobody would get angry at me filming on their property without their permission. Additionally, by going to the actual location to take the location reccies, I was able to see the physical layout of the area and therefore plan my shots around it and see if there was enough space to film in it. I also created a risk assessment in order to prepare for any dangers that I may encounter whilst filming my adverts.
Location Reccie of Road Ran Down |
I decided to film on this particular road as it was situated in a pedestrian zone and therefore meant that I had a lot of space to film and didn't have to worry about cars getting in the way.
Location Reccie of Pizza Express Filmed Outside |
(v rainy) Location Reccie of Mannoush (Original Shop to be Filmed At) |
I filmed outside these particular shops as they are within a pedestrian zone which allowed plenty of space for camera equipment and different shot types and angles without the interference and danger of cars.
Location Reccie of Living Room |
At first, I decided to film in the living room as there seemed to be a lot of space however, it later proved to be too crowded and so I moved all of the living room scenes into the dining room which is connected to the kitchen.
Location Reccie of Kitchen |
Although the kitchen looked small, there was plenty of space outside of it where I could shoot into which was ideal for the shots that I wanted.
Location Reccie of Outside of House |
The road that I filmed on was a very quiet road so there weren't any issues with filming outside the house such as noise or traffic.
Risk Assesment and Signed Location Permissions |
Despite getting verbal confirmation from Mannoush (the first shop that I filmed outside for my test and rough cuts) they had an inspection for my actual shoot so I had to find a different shop last minute and ending up filing outside of Pizza Express who also luckily agreed. Nevertheless, the location permissions ensured that nobody got angry at me filming and nothing else went wrong.
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