I found out that my target audience of 16-24-year-olds made up for the bulk of people who streamed music and that within this age group, there were 5 established groups, known as the UK tribes. The group that consumed the most
pop was the 'mainstreams' and therefore who I would try and market towards the most, however, I could still attract the other groups if my chosen pop song had genre hybridity (eg. indie-pop would help attract the 'alternatives').
I also found that 16-24-year-olds were prolific consumers and users of social media, consistently being between the top two age groups using social media and dominating platforms such as Twitter. This meant that the use of social media would have the most impact and influence on this age group, making it an essential marketing platform for artists to promote themselves and maintain their star identity and brand. I knew that this meant that my artist would have to have a large online presence. Having an online presence can help my artist to create a more intimate and personable relationship between themself and their fans as the fans get to see the star's personal life daily and are able to comment and interact directly with the posts.

I found out that 57% of 16-24-year-olds listen to pop and the majority of them belong to the in the 'mainstream' category which are fans of popular culture. Furthermore, many of them listen to music through streaming channels such as Youtube but in particular Spotify however, only a niche are willing to pay for music, primarily due to a tight budget as many are on a student loan or have just started working.
Overall, by looking at my target audience, I am able to understand my audience's interests and behaviour which means that I can make my music video more appealing to them in advance. For example, I know that the youth enjoy music videos with bright colour over videos with more mundane muted colours and therefore I will try will to colour grade my video in a way where the colours are bright and saturated.
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