The trailer that I analysed was the Hannah Montana movie. I chose this as it was one of the first movies to be made from a show from the Disney channel.
The trailer follows trailer conventions such as fast paced editing, intertitles, scheduling information, and telling a story throughout through three parts. However it goes against the expectations of previous Hannah Montana watchers as the settings are completely different to that of those in the sitcom. They are realistic and not built up by the production team however it manages to maintain the Disney style through the rich saturation of colours shown when Miley rides the horse and the grass is a vibrant green.
The large Disney budget is also shown through the expensive looking locations and settings such as a waterfall, the props (a large chicken coop) and the actor cameos (featuring Tyra Banks). This, combined with the great but still classically PG and cheesy Disney style acting from Miley Cyrus builds up audience expectations for a good film.
Finally, the majority of the audience will come from watchers of the TV show, however, more people will be attracted to the coming of act plot, and more from fans of musicals.
You have shown very good understanding of trailer conventions and industry contexts. EBI - to think also about the Disney message and the impact of the media language choices on audiences.